During this month of June, our diocese will have much to celebrate in profound gratitude to Almighty God. On June 11, two men will be ordained to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ. The Reverend Mr. Eric Artz and the Reverend Mr. Ryan Martire will be consecrated as priests of the new and eternal covenant to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to God’s holy people.
Whenever a man or men are ordained priests, the Church rejoices. It is clear evidence that God continues to hear our prayers for vocations, and it is evidence that God is ever faithful to His promise to remain with us until the end of time. Priests are ordained to offer sacrifice and to forgive sins and it is precisely through the imposition of hands by the bishop and the Church’s prayer of consecration that they are conformed in the most intimate way to Jesus Christ. This is in order that they will act in persona Christi, in the person of Christ, to all to whom they are sent and to give glory and honor to Almighty God.
Please pray for our two ordinandi and for all our priests, especially those priests whom we just honored as this year’s jubilarians. These 17 priests have and continue to give to God and the Church a combined 455 years of priestly zeal for souls.
Also, during this month of June, we celebrate on the first Friday the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the next day, Saturday, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is from the pierced heart of Jesus that the Church was born and the sacraments flow to us for our sanctification and salvation. It is from the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we find every consolation and comfort as she intercedes for us with her Divine Son. Make the effort to attend Holy Mass both days and receive Our Lord in Holy Communion with the faith and love that Our Blessed Lady cherished and followed Him.
Finally, during the last week of this month, we celebrate the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul. These two feasts remind us again of the merciful providence of God toward us. The Baptist is the bridge between the Old and New Testaments, he is the one to point out to us the Lamb of God, and he dies a martyr’s death defending God’s truth. Saint Peter, the Lord’s chosen vicar and His friend, set the Church on the firm foundation of the Apostles and was the first to preach the Gospel to the world. Saint Paul, the Lord’s chosen missionary and the evangelizer of the world, suffered much for the sake of the Gospel and kept the faith to the end.
This month of June is truly a month of blessings for each of us and all of us who are Catholics. May we be grateful!