Editor’s note: Each October, the Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month. This year’s theme is “Live the Gospel of Life.” As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every point in between. Here, we feature the Connect Medical Clinic in Dickinson and their life-affirming efforts.
In the summer of 2017, Chelsey went to a walk-in clinic in Medora because she was feeling sick. After some tests, the doctor surprised her with the results.
“When he told me I was pregnant, I was completely shocked, because I didn't think I should be,” she said. “I felt so completely alone. I had only been working in Medora for the summer, and I didn't know where to go for help in the area. I was crying so much, and I felt like the people at the clinic just wanted to get rid of me. They passed me around and acted like they didn't know what to do with me. A doctor soon asked me if I wanted some information on Badlands Choice Clinic (now named Connect Medical Clinic), and I agreed.”
Feeling she had nowhere else to turn, Chelsey visited the clinic, where she found much more help and consolation than she ever expected.
“At the time, the clinic was connected to a convent,” she explained. “For me, it was a big comfort to know that it was run by Christian people who would take care of me and not push me into anything I couldn't handle. I met with a nurse there who just listened to me, and that was exactly what I needed that day—someone to listen to me and hand me tissues! She discussed various options with me, such as adoption, and talked me through everything. They also gave me an ultrasound.”
God’s providence
Chelsey feels that her experience at the clinic was a true “S.O.S.” from God, and that His providential hand was with her all along.
“I had such a different experience at Badlands Choice Clinic than at the walk-in clinic,” she said. “It was just night and day. The people I talked to at Badlands Choice Clinic really cared about me. They even helped me find a doctor for when I went back home, and called me a number of times just to check on me after I left Medora to see how I was doing.”
Looking back, she concludes that many of the women who have an abortion are either subtly forced to do so, or denied the accurate knowledge they need to make an educated choice.
“Your whole life you hear that women have a 'choice,' but the reality is, the only choice women seem to be given is to terminate the pregnancy,” Chelsey said. “They are constantly being lied to about this issue. Thus, I can see how someone would feel that aborting their child is their only choice, and I can understand how a woman could feel it is the 'answer,' especially if she is in a state of shock.”
After speaking with her child's father and thinking about it rationally, Chelsey decided to keep her son. Two and a half years later, she harbors no regrets.
“Women are falsely told that having children will interrupt their life and 'get in the way,' but my son has in no way interrupted my life or held me back,” Chelsey explained. “He is only a blessing. I was terrified to tell my parents about it, but in the end, they were totally amazing to me, and even let me move back in with them for a year and a half.”
Efforts of Connect Medical
The wonderful news is that Chelsey's type of success story is not an uncommon one. Day after day, women (and men as well) are blessed by the gratuitous work of Connect Medical Clinic, located in Dickinson. Presently, they offer services in areas such as: STD testing and treatment; pregnancy testing and counseling; fertility awareness education (known as Natural Family Planning); and more.
In addition to pregnancy services, Connect Medical’s board of directors has made the strategic decision to offer expanded sexual health and fertility awareness services as well.
“As soon as our medical director completes his training, we're going to be able to offer restorative reproductive women's health services (like NaPro technology services) at Connect!” Executive Director Katie Vidmar said. “This means that we'll be able to assist women in learning to understand their bodies through charting their bio-markers and detect underlying hormonal imbalances. We'll be able to connect them with a doctor right in Dickinson who can help them heal from PCOS, endometriosis, and other conditions. As opposed to dealing with these issues by effectively shutting down a young woman's cycle with hormonal contraception, restorative reproductive services address the root causes of these issues.”
Establishing relationships
For the clinic, establishing meaningful relationships with their clients is key. They believe that the seeds of charity planted through these friendships will reap a bountiful harvest in times to come.
“If a patient already knows and trusts us to give them excellent care, we’ll be the first ones they call if they think they might be pregnant,” Katie remarked. “Furthermore, serving sexually active youth gives us a chance to speak into their lives at pivotal moments. Through the care and education they receive, patients are challenged to take a hard look at their risk behaviors in light of their long-term goals. When a patient chooses to be abstinent until marriage after an appointment at Connect, we’ve helped prevent an unplanned pregnancy from happening in the first place.”
The Connect Medical Clinic staff has also been working tirelessly to meet people where they are at, and reach out to them in a way that resonates with them.
“We have taken great care in creating a brand aimed at reaching a new generation facing unplanned pregnancies,” Katie said. “The burning heart of our clinic's mission is to provide unconditional support to those who face unplanned pregnancy. Our strategy is to use healthcare as a way of going after our patients’ hearts.”
True to their name, Connect Medical Clinic seeks to connect its clients to God's love, fostering unity and peace.
“For many, the experience of an unplanned pregnancy creates division at every level—conflict with the father of the baby, shame that tempts a woman to withdraw from community support, and even division within a woman’s own heart,” Katie explained. “By giving her the medical care she needs in context of unconditional support, we seek to restore her to the communion she was made for and deserves; in short, we hope to help her to ‘connect’!”
Unabashedly, Connect Medical Clinic is profoundly pro-life on every level.
“One of our clinic's core values is the belief in the sanctity of every human life,” Katie said. “For Catholics, this phrase is often connected with the life of the unborn. While this is absolutely the case at Connect, we also seek to radically affirm the dignity of our patients, men and women alike, who walk through our doors. We hope that each person we encounter feels affirmed, empowered, and elevated to become the best version of themselves.”
Further, Connect Medical is definitely all about being “pro-God.”
“For me, the mission of Connect is a concrete way to answer Christ’s call in the Great Commission addressed in Matthew 28:18,” Katie said. “What could be more beautiful and rewarding than proclaiming the truth of love! Working at Connect is a ministry. As a team, we pray for and with our patients, look for openings to have spiritual conversations in the context of an appointment, and simply try to be the face of mercy to young people who just desperately need to know that they are loved.”
Supporting the effort
There are several ways to jump on board with the exciting mission of Connect Medical Clinic, such as: contributing financially; inviting a Connect team member to come and talk to your parish youth group; and donating much needed items, such as diapers and wipes. Donations can be dropped at the clinic, given to your parish, or shipped to the clinic’s address via Amazon Prime. People are also welcome to view the replay of Connect’s virtual fundraising event, “Made for More,” featuring inspiring speakers. It can be viewed at www.MadeforMore2020.com and will be available for the next 12 months.
“Volunteers can also help by joining the Through our Ministry Partner Program, which is supported by various church congregations in Dickinson and the surrounding area, including the four local parishes,” Katie says.
For further information on how to volunteer, contact Tara Zettel at 701-483-9353 or at
tara@connectmedicalclinic.com. To learn more about Connect Medical Clinic or receive its services, visit connectmedicalclinic.com/ call 701-483-9353 or text 701-840-6280.