A new project at the University of Mary is the website
Prime Matters.com.
“Prime Matters is a Catholic Studies initiative to awaken the Catholic imaginative vision in Catholics and all people of goodwill,” the homepage announces. “We promote content that provides clear articulation of the first principles of the Catholic imaginative vision and applies them to various academic disciplines, professions, and current events.”
It began as a resource for students with a vast repository of the principles and perspectives undergirding the Church’s intellectual efforts through the centuries and up to the present day. The information is presented in a number of formats. For instance, the audio project at primematters.com/narrative has an extensive array of audio presentations of the whole Christian story, hosted on the site but also extending onto their Prime Matters YouTube and podcast channels. The interview “There Will be Light” is an interview with Dr. James Link, a Catholic psychologist in Bismarck, and Bishop James Conely of Lincoln, Neb., discussing the relationship between Catholic spirituality and psychology. There is even a punchy weekly update, “The First Draught,” with insights on the news, notes on the coming Sunday Scriptures and highlights.
Prime Matters is published by an editorial panel chaired at Mary College at ASU in Tempe, Ariz., a satellite campus and partner in educational outreach with the University of Mary.