Saint John Bosco is quoted, “Do you want to do a holy thing? Teach the young!”
The goal of the local rosary makers group is to do that by placing a rosary in the hands of Catholic children anywhere in the world.
Over the years, the group members have connected with different people and organizations, such as school principals, priests, religious and educators responsible for Catholic education. These connections have helped the group distribute rosaries throughout the country and 20 percent of their rosaries are sent overseas to countries of various origins.
In a recent email, the Superintendent of Hawaii Catholic Schools, based in Kaneohe, thanked the local rosary making group after arranging a shipment. He wrote, “Maholo (thank you) … Your rosaries were well received and greatly appreciated by our schools! They are the perfect reminders of our Catholic identity and our treasured prayers. It would be an honor and pleasure to accept your offer and distribute those rosaries to our schools! You and your group in North Dakota have touched the lives of many people thousands of miles away here in Hawaii, and I shall never forget your kindness and generosity! You are all angels of the Lord, and we are blessed by your ministry!”
Learn how to make rosaries
A major part of the group’s mission over the years is to help hand down the knowledge of how to craft beautiful rosaries so that others could join the holy work. In the April issue of the Dakota Catholic Action (available at, a history of the efforts of the rosary makers group was published, as well as an invitation to join those efforts.
Everyone is welcome to come and spend an evening learning how to make rosaries with the group at the Church of Saint Anne parish hall in Bismarck or take that knowledge back home to their parish and start a rosary making group. Both afternoon and evening classes are available for convenience of busy schedules.
Class dates
The six class dates offered are: Friday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m.; Monday, Oct. 17 at 2 p.m.; Friday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m.; Monday, Oct. 24 at 2 p.m.; Friday, Nov. 4 at 7 p.m.; and Monday, Nov. 7 at 2 p.m.
Those interested should call Don Lucas at 223-8526.
At each class, a discussion will take place about the single most important item: setting up a rosary table in each parish. Upon leaving class, participants will take more starter rosaries and instructions to supplement their efforts. Each person will depart with rosary materials in hand, contact lists for places to send rosaries and the ability to make and ship rosaries.
The group at the Church of Saint Anne in Bismarck has been making rosaries for almost 20 years. Group coordinator, Don Lucas said, “We have avid supporters who continue to make them, people who will help one another when assistance is needed and many people who can’t help but think often about the children of our world who need a rosary and those who will help teach them to pray. Each thought centers on the goodness of people always remembering a single phrase, ‘As you did it for one of the least of mine, you did it for me.’”