Who are we? The Saint Serra Vocations Apostolate of Bismarck-Mandan are lay Catholic men and women of all ages. (It’s a worldwide apostolate that started in 1935) We pray for, encourage and foster religious vocations in our diocese while growing in personal holiness. How?
- Monthly lunch meetings with a special guest speaker - Annual fundraising breakfast -4th Sat. 8 AM Vocations Mass at Cathedral of the Holy Spirit /fellowship with coffee and pastries - Attend what you can and please prayerfully consider joining!
For more details or questions, call or text Amy S: 471-6099 or Amy R: 214-8981. Check us out on Facebook- “Saint Serra Vocations Apostolate of Bismarck/Mandan” and @ bismanserra.com. Saint Junipero Serra, pray for us, and for an increase in religious vocations in our diocese.