MANHATTAN, NY — University of Mary President Monsignor James Shea has accepted the invitation of His Eminence, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, to preach the “Tre Ore” service on Good Friday from noon until 3 p.m., April 18, 2014, from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, New York.
The service takes its name from the Italian words “tre ore,” meaning “three hours,” in reference to the three hours that Christ hung upon the cross on Good Friday.
The “Tre Ore” service is comprised of a number of reflections on Christ’s passion and death, particularly the seven last words uttered by Jesus on the cross, in addition to meditative prayer, music, and silent meditation. The final phrases of Jesus’ earthly life are the subject of great study and reverence in Christianity, and the preacher’s task is to lead the faithful into a deeper understanding of the mysteries of suffering and hope, a task entrusted to Shea this year.
“The final hours of Christ on the cross, especially the seven last words, are among the most intimate moments in which we encounter Christ’s love,” commented Shea. “It’s an incredible honor to preach and share in the Lord’s Passion with so many, especially at the heart of the American church, St. Patrick’s Cathedral.”
Shea carries on this celebrated Catholic tradition that began in Italy, but made famous in America by the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen back in the 1950’s. Past “Tre Ore” preachers include Fr. Robert Barron, a popular Catholic writer and media personality from Chicago, and Fr. Romanus Cessario, author of “The Seven Last Words of Jesus.”
“Monsignor Shea, himself a devoted and zealous priest and a deeply spiritual man, will, I am confident, inspire all who hear him preach during this most holy time on Good Friday,” remarked Diocese of Bismarck Bishop David Kagan. “He’s an excellent preacher of the word of God and will impress upon all the depth of the love and mercy of God in offering His only begotten Son for the sins of the world.”
In the past, EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) has nationally rebroadcast the “Tre Ore” event at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Check the EWTN broadcast schedule for up-to-date announcements regarding this event.
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