by Swenda Braden, HOTR Pastoral Assistant and Peggy Helvik, HOTR Youth Minister
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray.” Ephesians 6:18-19
There are always new challenges in the Home On The Range spiritual department, mostly good ones, and with the grace of God, we welcome each one and meet them head on. We realize that as spiritual advisors, part of our job is to pray for our children and staff, but another part of our job is to teach our kids the importance and purpose of prayer.
Girls at Fahnlander Hall are now working on their prayer boards. The boards are based on the recent movie “War Room,” which portrays an older lady who had a prayer room/closet where she said she did all her praying and God did the battling. She would post prayers for family and friends on the walls, pray over them, add Scripture, and let God do the rest.
Students and staff watched the movie together before each student began constructing their prayer board. They began by covering a tri-fold cardboard with contact paper, like the ones used for science fairs, and then gathered prayers and Scripture readings together to put on the prayer boards. The students also embellished them with stickers, quotes, drawings and lots of love.
We begin with a short lesson and then work on the boards while listening to music and sharing stories. It is a great time of fellowship and sharing. It will be ongoing for a long while we hope; as long as there are prayer requests, work with the boards will continue.
Along with movie “War Room,”we focus on quotes from Priscilla Shirer’s book “Armor of God.” Her prayer strategies are:
P – Praise. Gratitude to God for who He is and what He’s already done should thread throughout every prayer.
R – Repentance. Expect prayer to expose where you’re still resisting Him.
A – Ask. Make your requests known.
Y – Yes. “All of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding ‘Yes’” (2 Cor. 1:20).
It is an awesome experience to watch the girls put their own prayers together and look up different Scripture for every occasion in their lives and emotions to go with them. The boards are both beautiful and a great tool of spiritual growth.
We ask that you keep HOTR and all the residents and staff in your prayers. We are also always on the lookout for wholesome and Christian movies (preferably in DVD format) for the residents.
Home On The Range is a nonprofit organization operated under the auspices of the Catholic Diocese of Bismarck. The facility is licensed to care for 46 boys and girls, ages 12 – 19.