“When I was a child, I never believed in God, not even once. By the time I got to college, I was vocally an atheist, I didn’t understand how anybody could have any sort of belief in the supernatural.”
Now Jennifer Fulwiler, a mother of six children eight years or younger, is coming to Bismarck as a presenter at THIRST 2013.
“You have to accept the fact that we do not convert people, only the Holy Spirit converts people,” Fulwiler said after sharing the story of her own conversion to Catholicism during an interview with Fr. Brian Gross on Real Presence Radio.
Fulwiler’s presentation will focus on how Catholics can introduce Christ to atheists (or those who believe that God does not exist), based on her own experiences growing up with a father who was an active atheist. Fulwiler has worked with many people who are trying to re-introduce the faith to children, family or friends who have drifted away.
“I often tell parents who have college students coming home [that have lost their faith]: give it a few years, these kids will find that there will be a certain presence, a certain love or a certain light that they only experience when they’re in a Catholic home. My atheist social circles feel cold and loveless compared to the love I feel in my parent’s Catholic home.
“We really need to recognize the power of prayer. I have heard conversion stories that would make your jaw drop. In every single case, they had many people praying for them—an army of prayer warriors helping them find their way home.”
Fulwiler will also draw on her experience raising six children and offer a presentation titled “Thriving and Surviving Catholic Motherhood.”
“It is okay to admit that [Catholic motherhood] is really hard. I think that sometimes we hesitate because we don’t know anybody else in the neighborhood that has six kids. I feel the burden of that witness sometimes, like I always have to plaster a smile on my face. If you’re just getting up in the morning and doing your best—even if it’s not perfect—the Lord is delighted with that. You’re doing a great job.”