The Office of Catechesis and Youth provides a variety of training and networking opportunities to Directors of Religious Education, Directors/Coordinators of Youth Ministry, Catechists, Youth Ministry Volunteers, and Pastors.
A Curriculum Committee made up of pastors, DRE’s and catechists of the Diocese met in early 2019 to narrow down the finest curricula options for implementation in our Diocese and selected three curricula to be used for K-6 religious education: Alive in Christ (Our Sunday Visitor), Faith and Life (Ignatius Press), and Spirit of Truth (Sophia Institute). The utilization of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and A Family of Faith (for family faith formation) are still encouraged catechetical options. As of now, no particular options have been selected for Sacramental preparation. We ask that all catechetical leaders make necessary curricula changes by the Fall of 2020. Please see the letter that was sent in April 2019 with more information regarding the Curriculum Committee’s selection of the three curricula options. Please also see the samples of each curricula as provided by clicking on the bold name of the series.
New Partnership with Catechetical Institute
The Diocese has gained a new partnership with the Catechetical Institute of Franciscan University where parishes and clusters, along with attached schools, can enroll in $300/yr subscription to gain access for all members concerned to access wholesome, formational, and inspiring Catholic workshops for ongoing formation. Certification tracks for DREs, YMs, catechists and in general theology are available through this subscription as well. Please see this attachment for more information.
Resources and Tools
Catechesi Tradendae (Catechesis in Our Time) by Saint Pope John Paul II
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catechist’s Journey
Diocesan Guidelines for Catechesis for Children with Special Needs
Diocesan Guidelines for Parish Catechesis
Diocesan Policies for Sacramental Preparation
Diocesan Religion Curriculum Guidelines for Catechesis
Diocesan Resource: The Catechist
Effective Catechetical Leader Series (Loyola)
Evangelii Nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World) by Saint Pope Paul VI
Evangelization and Catechesis (USCCB)
General Directory for Catechesis
Professional Development Webinars for Parish Ministry Leaders (Ave Maria Press)
Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry
Resources for Healthy Life and Ministry (Saint Luke Institute)
Vatican II Documents