Dr. Christina Kostelecky will be hosting an introductory session Monday September 30, beginning at 6:30 p.m. MT (7:30 p.m. CT), followed by two individual sessions with dates TBD. Please contact her at marquettenfp@ndsupernet.com to register and for more information. Classes are currently being held online via webinar. Classes in person are available upon request.
The Marquette Model (MM) system of NFP brings 21st century technology to NFP by using the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor in conjunction with other biological indicators of fertility to help couples understand and respect their fertility. Shaunda Brooke, BSN, RN will be hosting an online virtual introductory session on Tuesday, October 8th at 8:00 pm CT, followed by two individual online virtual sessions, dates TBD. Please contact her at brooke.shaunda@gmail.com or 701.590.0548 to register and for more information.
Come & See Discernment Weekend at Annunciation Monastery - Oct. 18-20 (beginning Friday at 5 p.m., ending after Mass and lunch on Sunday). Participants will get to know the sisters, enjoy prayer, meals, and recreation with the sisters. Is God calling you, or someone you know, to be a Benedictine Sister of Annunciation Monastery? For more information, contact Sister Idelle at 701-255-1520.
The Marquette Model (MM) system of NFP brings 21st century technology to NFP by using the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor in conjunction with other biological indicators of fertility to help couples understand and respect their fertility. Andrea Schanandore BSN, RN, MMCP will be hosting an introductory session on Monday, November 4th, 2024 from 7-9 PM, followed by two individual sessions dates TBD. Please contact her at taschandy@gmail.com or 701-866-8274 to register and for more information.
The mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world. Experience a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and discover the beauty of your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in the region is Nov. 8-10, 2024 in Medora. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at ndwwme.org or contact Rob and Angie at Applications@ndwwme.org or 701-347-1998.
Dr. Christina Kostelecky will be hosting an introductory session Monday November 25, beginning at 6:30 p.m. MT (7:30 p.m. CT), followed by two individual sessions with dates TBD. Please contact her at marquettenfp@ndsupernet.com to register and for more information. Classes are currently being held online via webinar. Classes in person are available upon request.
The Marquette Model (MM) system of NFP brings 21st century technology to NFP by using the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor in conjunction with other biological indicators of fertility to help couples understand and respect their fertility. Shaunda Brooke, BSN, RN will be hosting an online virtual introductory session on Tuesday, January 14th at 8:00 pm CT, followed by two individual online virtual sessions, dates TBD. Please contact her at brooke.shaunda@gmail.com or 701.590.0548 to register and for more information.
The Marquette Model (MM) system of NFP brings 21st century technology to NFP by using the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor in conjunction with other biological indicators of fertility to help couples understand and respect their fertility. Shaunda Brooke, BSN, RN will be hosting an online virtual introductory session on Tuesday, April 15th at 8:00 pm CT, followed by two individual online virtual sessions, dates TBD. Please contact her at brooke.shaunda@gmail.com or 701.590.0548 to register and for more information.
The Marquette Model (MM) system of NFP brings 21st century technology to NFP by using the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor in conjunction with other biological indicators of fertility to help couples understand and respect their fertility. Shaunda Brooke, BSN, RN will be hosting an online virtual introductory session on Tuesday, July 15th at 8:00 pm CT, followed by two individual online virtual sessions, dates TBD. Please contact her at brooke.shaunda@gmail.com or 701.590.0548 to register and for more information.
The Marquette Model (MM) system of NFP brings 21st century technology to NFP by using the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor in conjunction with other biological indicators of fertility to help couples understand and respect their fertility. Shaunda Brooke, BSN, RN will be hosting an online virtual introductory session on Tuesday, October 14th at 8:00 pm CT, followed by two individual online virtual sessions, dates TBD. Please contact her at brooke.shaunda@gmail.com or 701.590.0548 to register and for more information.