The North Dakota Family Alliance is sponsoring their 2024 ND Pro-Life Conference on Monday, Jan. 22. David Bereit, founder and former CEO of 40 Days for Life, will be the keynote speaker. Other speakers will include: Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International; Drew Wrigley, North Dakota Attorney General; Jill Chandler, Executive Director of Relate Care Clinic; Personal testimony from a post-abortive mother. Topics will cover everything from the current status of abortion across the nation and state, to the dramatic increase in chemical abortions, the situation with pro-life legal challenges in N.D,. and what you can do to stand for life in our state. The one-day conference will be held at the N.D. Heritage Center starting at 9 a.m. Tickets are $20 per person or call 701-355-6425 for group rates. Register online at