Property and Liability Insurance/Risk management
Catholic Mutual Group (CMG) is the property and liability insurance carrier for all parishes and schools in our diocese. Parishes file claims directly with CMG either by email, phone or fax. The diocese parish resource manager provides assistance by facilitating communication to resolve claims, to mitigate insurance risks and promote safety. CMG performs periodic on-site safety inspections and parishes and schools are obligated to file annual self-inspection reports during years when no on-site inspection is scheduled.
The Catholic Mutual Group website is a valuable resource and we encourage our parishes and schools to use this valuable tool. All entities can log into the website with the user name: 0083bis and password: service, to file claims and self-inspection reports, and to additionally access the CARES library on topics related to Operations, Personnel, Property, Youth Ministry and School topics.
Parishes and Schools also access the Diocese of Bismarck Catholic Mutual training hub CMG Connect to complete required and recommended risk management trainings. Administrators can access the CMG Connect hub through this highlighted link or from the Catholic Mutual website. Parish or School training site administrators can learn more about the functionality and how to access and navigate the training hub by accessing the hub, clicking on "Resources" and selecting the "Site Coordinator Guide" or "Site Coordinator Training Video".
Parish Contract Review Policy
When parishes/schools are involved with construction, service, or lease contracts it is important that the document(s) are reviewed in order to contain their liability risk. Parishes/schools are asked to follow the Synod Appendix 37 Diocesan Contract Review Policy before signing any contracts or agreements. The first page of the documnet contains a checklist which provides helpful direction on what action to take and what addendum may be appropriate. If further assistance is needed, contact the Parish Resource Manager in the Diocese Finance Office.
Workforce Safety Insurance (WSI)
The State of North Dakota mandates that all employers are required to provide WSI insurance. Though parishes, as employers, are excluded from this requirement, the Bismarck Diocese expects parishes to provide Workforce Safety Insurance to their employees. WSI provides workers with wage-loss and medical benefits for injuries sustained in the course of employment and it protects the parish from potential large compensation claims. General liability, health, and accident insurance are not substitutes for workers’ compensation insurance.