According to the N.D. State Health Department, 1,141 women had abortions in N.D. in 2018. More than 300 (28%) were medical abortions and the rest were surgical.
Abortion is one of the most impactful decisions that a woman can make in her life. Surgical abortions are completed in minutes and there is no chance for a do-over. However, because a medical abortion is a process that occurs over several days, there is a chance for a woman to reverse the process.
North Dakota House bill HB 1336 was passed in 2019 and signed into law. This law requires N.D. abortion providers to inform women about the option of reversal and how to find information about it if she desires. However, this law cannot be enforced until a lawsuit against the state, which seeks to stop the law, is settled.
This means that N.D. women are having medical abortions in Fargo, N.D.’s only abortion clinic, are likely not being informed about the possibility of a second chance to save their pregnancy. Abortion pill reversal (APR) is not a widely known procedure; therefore, even if a woman would ask her medical provider about a reversal, chances are she would be told that there is nothing that can be done.
Medical abortion is a two-step process. One drug is taken at the abortion clinic. That works over the next few days. The second drug is sent home with the woman to take about two days later. This completes the abortion.
Reversing the process
If a woman regrets starting the medical abortion process, she can reach out for help any time prior to the completion of the abortion. Babies have been saved when the mother starts treatment within 24-72 hours after taking the first pill. Time is of the essence and the sooner she gets treatment, the more likely it is to be successful in reversing the abortion. She should not take the second pill, but there have been successful births even after she has taken the second drug.
By calling the Abortion Pill Rescue (APR) national hotline (1-877-558-0333) or going to, she can be put in touch with a medical provider near her, who can determine if she is a candidate for attempted reversal.
Availablity of treatement As of this writing, there is known to be at least six medical providers across N.D. who have signed up to prescribe the reversal treatment. The North Dakota Pregnancy Resource Network (ND PRN), made up of the seven pregnancy clinics in the state, will be working to inform more providers about abortion pill reversal and we are confident that many more will sign up to participate if they are informed about the procedure.
Additional support available
Long-term emotional, spiritual, educational and material support is available from pregnancy help centers. There are seven pregnancy help centers in N.D. Three are within the Bismarck Diocese including the Dakota Hope Clinic in Minot, Connect Medical Clinic in Dickinson and Women’s Care Center in Bismark. Others are located in Devils Lake, Grand Forks, Park River and Fargo. The APR hotline can put the woman in touch with the closest center.
Financial support may also be available either through the local clinic or the APR Network.
Post-abortive woman who regret their abortion suffer emotional and psychological effects that can be serious and long-lasting. Some of this suffering can be avoided by simply informing women of all their options. We owe it to the women of N.D. to make sure they are fully informed.
Nadia Smetana, RN, BSN, is the clinic director at the Dakota Hope Clinic in Minot. It is one of the three pregnancy help clinics in the Bismarck Diocese with others in Dickinson and Bismarck.