MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS(Declarations of Nullity of Marriage): The Tribunal of the Diocese of Bismarck is staffed by persons who have been appointed by the Bishop of Bismarck and who have received special training to represent him and the faith community in church judicial proceedings for marriage cases and other matters of Church law. Most of its work involves assisting divorced persons who are interested in proving the nullity of a prior marriage bond, allowing them to remarry in the Church. As such, the Tribunal has a three-fold ministry:
Protecting the integrity and indissolubility of marriage as Christ taught;
Assisting in the exercise of rights given in Church law for those who are seeking a possible remarriage in the Catholic Church; and
Helping participants experience reconciliation with their faith community insofar as possible.
Persons interested in pursuing a possible annulment are encouraged to call a Tribunal official to discuss his or her situation at 701-204-7203 or 1-877-405-7435, ext. 118. All inquiries are confidential