The University of Mary, in partnership with the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC), on Aug. 12-13, brings together world-renowned experts to make sense of all the emerging ethical dilemmas and policy obstacles. The event takes place at the Gary Tharaldson School of Business on the campus of the University of Mary in Bismarck.
Some scheduled topics include:
Catholic health care
Contraception, sterilization and NFP
Sexual assault protocols
Prenatal and neonatal complications
Assisted reproductive technologies
Stem Cell Research
Care and respect for the dying
Advanced planning for the end of life
“The objective of the NCBC’s Two-Day Seminars is to train those engaged in the healthcare ministry and other interested individuals, to effectively represent the Church's moral teaching in their various institutions as it is summarized in ‘The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services,’” stated Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., the director of Education and Ethicist at NCBC.
Other ethicists presenting with Pacholczyk include Dr. John Brehany, Dr. John Di Camillo and Dr. Marie Hilliard.
“People from all over North Dakota, the United States and abroad attend the two-day seminar,” said Dr. Karen Rohr, associate professor and director of Bioethics and Faculty Formation at the University of Mary. “Anyone can attend the seminar. They do not have to be enrolled in the NCBC yearlong certification program to attend. Some people take it to enhance their existing knowledge and or to get the Catholic perspective in bioethics. Technological advances are making it imperative that healthcare providers understand and manage emerging ethical dilemmas as they occur and have the skills to guide patients, families, clinicians, and ethics committees toward resolution.”
For more information on the seminar or to register for the event, go to To learn more about the University of Mary bioethics program, contact the Director of Bioethics, Dr. Karen Rohr, at
[email protected] or (701) 355-8113.