On Friday morning, July 24, I awoke with an elevated temperature, slight cough and fatigue. At that moment, I immediately removed myself from public contact and, out of an abundance of caution, was immediately tested for COVID-19. I have continued my self-quarantine since that morning and I was notified this morning, July 27, that I am positive for COVID-19.
Upon word of my positive test, I immediately notified Bishop Kagan as to how we should proceed and I directed our staff to go in for immediate testing.
I write this to you for the sake of complete transparency and for the good of the people of Corpus Christi and those associated with Corpus Christi.
I have no idea where or how I may have contacted COVID-19. In the meantime, we will do all we can to provide an environment that is safe here at Corpus Christi.
Consequently, the clergy and staff of Corpus Christi await results and the parish office will be closed until the test results are completed. Msgr Lindemann is assisting and coordinating with outside clergy for our necessary scheduling. The church will continue to be open, as usual, and sanitized as per our current procedures.
Personally, I haven’t been sick since January/February of 2019. Had I not been hypersensitive to the wellbeing of those around me, I would have just rested as during any cold or illness and not been tested. I’m not on any medication and I’m feeling better each day; today I’m actually feeling pretty well. Obviously, my self-quarantine will continue until I test negative for COVID-19.
We’ll continue to update you as we receive new information.