Editor's Note: The printed version of the Dakota Catholic Action erroniously listed the date of the statue visit in May. The statue will be at five parishes in June. The story below contains the corrected dates.
Five parishes across the diocese will be hosting the world-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, traveling worldwide since 1947.
The statue is on an historic two-year journey across America, March 2016 to December 2017, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima, visiting more than 100 dioceses in 50 states. The Diocese of Bismarck is participating in the tour June 16-20.
Locations of tour stops
The locations and dates of the statue tour stops are: St. Mary’s in Hague on June 16, Christ the King in Mandan on June 17, St. Leo the Great in Minot on June 18, St. Joseph in Williston on June 19 and Queen of Peace in Dickinson on June 20. Contact the parish for more details on the statue visit.
The goal of the Fatima Centennial U.S. Tour for Peace is to bring the graces of Fatima and Our Lady’s message of hope, peace and salvation to the many millions of people who may never have an opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal. It also encourages devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was the mission given to Lucia, the seer at Fatima, by Our Lady and Our Lord. Jesus relayed to Sister Lucia in 1936 that he wished to establish devotion to the Immaculate Heart in the Church next to His Sacred Heart, and that He had placed the peace in the world in her Immaculate Heart.
The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima was sculpted in 1947 by famous sculptor José Thedim, upon the precise instructions of Sister Lucia. On October 13, 1947, the statue was blessed by the Bishop of Fatima and commissioned to serve as the Pilgrim Virgin that would carry the blessings of Fatima throughout the world. The Bishop prayed that Mary herself accompany the statue wherever it goes.
Many graces and favors have been associated with the image. The statue has traveled around the globe many times, visiting more than 100 countries, including Russia and China. The custody and mission of this world-famous statue is under the auspice of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA – Our Lady’s Blue Army - which continues her journeys throughout the world.