Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, with this first issue of our diocesan newspaper for the calendar year of 2020, I am including the information for all Catholics, of the list of those priests, both diocesan and religious, who have had claims of sexual abuse of a minor made against them and these claims have been substantiated by one of our bishops and those who assisted them at the time. This is not something any of us would want or expect of those in whom such great trust has been placed, but not to be transparent about this mortally sinful activity would be wrong.
The information provided in this issue, I hope, will be helpful to all Catholics in our diocese but most especially to anyone who thinks he or she may have been sexually abused by a diocesan representative in the past or present. What is of the utmost importance is to report any such actions immediately to local civil authorities and then to the diocese. Information on how to do this is provided with the other information in this issue.
As I said in my letter to all of you back in the summer of 2018, mere words of apology are not enough, even though they are important. You have the right to expect that the Church will do all in its power to see to it that men are properly formed and prepared to be our deacons, priests and for some our bishops. You have the right to expect that they will always and everywhere conduct themselves as the faithful public ministers of our Church both in what they say and in what they do. You have the right to expect that I, as your bishop, will do all in my power to make certain that this happens for you not just once or occasionally, but every day and always in our parishes, schools and communities.
Finally, and most importantly, I must make certain that every person who brings a complaint is heard and listened to and provided with whatever he or she may need to obtain healing and peace of mind and heart. I ask each of you to pray for all the victims of this terrible and sinful activity of sexual abuse of minors.
Please pray for our deacons and priests that they will be good and faithful servants of the Lord’s holy Church. Know that I pray for all of you every day at Mass. May we grow in our faith, hope and charity as brothers and sisters in Jesus and may we help each other achieve life’s hope which is Heaven.