Editor’s note:On Jan. 3, Sr. Chiara Thérèse Jacobson professed her simple vows before Bishop Kagan at a Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. In her own words, she reflects upon her vocation to the consecrated life for our diocese and the newly-established Servants of the Children of Light.
On Epiphany, as the three magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Our Lord, I too, on that day, brought the gift of my life to Him. It was a gift I had given to Him many years ago, perhaps, in some way, ever since college. I knew He wanted me to be His bride, and as the years progressed, I deeply desired to receive this gift from Him.
With the establishment of the public association of the Servants of the Children of Light, I knew I would have the great privilege of professing the evangelical councils of poverty, chastity and obedience, as well as the fourth vow characteristic to our community, that to serve Christ in the child. The desire to conform my life more to that of Christ’s increased as the days neared. Although this way of life may seem that one is leaving everything behind, in truth, it is quite the opposite! One is actually gaining everything. A life of total consecration to the Lord is one that blesses the soul of the one called with great joy and peace. It truly is a peace that is not of this world; it can belong only to the Heavenly Kingdom! Withdrawing from the world, in a certain sense, allows the consecrated to return into the world with greater zeal for the salvation of souls, a heart purified to love God above all things and the joy to carry out the mission He has given her.
I continue to reflect on the great gift the Lord has given to our diocese through the establishment of new charisms to serve a particular need and desire of the good people of this area. In returning to home to Bismarck after many years abroad, I remember remaining in awe over all that the Lord has bestowed on His people in western North Dakota. The faith I witnessed was truly overwhelming! The great mission of our Catholic schools and the University of Mary was bearing so much fruit in our communities. One can see His Hand in all the good work that has been accomplished. I feel truly honored that God has brought about this new public association to be a part of this great work in the Diocese of Bismarck.
Mary’s words to Her Son, “Do whatever He tells you,” (John 2:5) echoed in my heart as I professed the evangelical councils on Jan. 3. Truly a gift, a great responsibility and a heart full of gratitude for what He has done and what He will do. With the three magi, I bow down to adore Him, God, Three in One, asking Him to make my heart worthy of the call I have received.