Some parents and grandparents might wonder, should I bring my young children to Mass even though they are overactive and loud sometimes?
The short answer is yes! If children are loud sometimes, you absolutely should bring them to Mass. Among us priests we have a little saying: “If it’s not cryin’, it’s dyin,’” of course referring to the youngsters crying in Mass who keep the parish filled with youth and vitality.
There are three parties for whom this should be directed: the child, his parents, and the parish community.
First, for the child. The child himself is baptized and therefore a member of the body of Christ. For that reason, he has a right to be there. We also want to get children into the habit of going to Mass early. For my part, I don't remember the first time I went to Mass, I just know that it was just what we always did (thanks, mom and dad). If you wait until they get older, then you are more likely to have rebellion from them later. If noise is the concern, just remember that they have to learn to be quiet eventually, might as well be at Mass.
Second, for the parents. If the child is at home, where are the parents? If you are staying home on Sunday and not going to Mass, then you are not fulfilling your Sunday obligation and are committing a grave sin (not to mention that fact that you run the risk of breaking the good habit of going to Mass each Sunday). There is the possibility of going to Mass at different times. Although there are times when this is necessary, it is best for families to go to Mass together.
Finally, for the parish community. We love to see the children! Children are the future of the Church. We love to see that our parish is growing and alive! Personally, when a child gets loud at Mass, I just continue on and let the parents judge how to best handle it. Keep them in or take them out, you judge which is best. Personally, I trust your judgement in this matter.
I wish to close with a personal story. When my nephews were little, they had a tendency to be loud at Mass (sorry, boys). But one day, an elderly woman came up to my sister and her husband after Mass and thanked them for taking their kids to Mass. She told them that she remembered when it was her and her kids were loud at Mass and told them that she would just pray for them whenever the boys got loud. She also expressed sadness that her own daughter wouldn't take her grandchild to Mass because the child might be loud and disruptive.
So, overcome that fear and bring the children along to Mass, we want to see you!
Fr. Greg Luger is pastor at the Churches of St. Jerome in Mohall, St. James in Sherwood and St. John in Lansford. If you have a question you were afraid to ask, now is the time to ask it! Simply email your question to [email protected] with the “Question Afraid to Ask” in the subject line.