To mark the end of the celebration of the global Year of Faith—and to energize Catholics to continue to enthusiastically live out their faith—Bismarck Bishop David Kagan will re-consecrate the Diocese of Bismarck to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and consecrate western N.D. to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the first time.
The special enthronements will take place during the 11:30 a.m. Mass at Cathedral of the Holy Spirit on November 24, the solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe and the last day of the Year of Faith.
“What this means for the diocese itself is this: Through our diocese’s life of prayer, celebration of the sacraments, and works of mercy, Almighty God is given all honor and glory,” said Bishop Kagan. “On behalf of all who assist me as chief shepherd in these good works, I ask, in all humility, for the abundant graces our diocese needs to do what the universal Catholic Church does across the globe.”
Bishop Kagan said that since Catholics believe that Mary is the mother of God and mother of the Church, the consecration will be made through her “because Mary is always our advocate and intercessor before God.”
“Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart was so intimately joined to Jesus’ Sacred Heart in life and now in eternity, so it is most fitting for our diocese to be consecrated just in this way,” he said.
Bishop Emeritus Paul Zipfel previously enthroned the Diocese of Bismarck to the Sacred Heart in 2009. While it is not necessary to re-consecrate as if the original consecration “fades or lapses,” Bishop Kagan found it to be a fitting close to the Year of Faith and important to do during his time as Bishop of Bismarck.