When will my question be answered that I sent to the DCA?
by Fr. Joseph Evinger
Thank you to all who have sent questions to the Dakota Catholic Action for us priests to answer. Typically, when questions are submitted by the public, a list is compiled and sent to each priest a few weeks before deadline. When I received the list this time, it contained 108 questions from which to choose. There are only 11 DCA issues in a year which means there are only 11 questions being answered per year. So, to clear some questions from that list, here are some that warrant more brief answers. Please keep sending your questions.
Can I use holy water to bless my family or home or is that sacrilegious?
It’s a very good thing for parents to bless themselves and their children with holy water. Blessing one’s bedroom regularly also is good. Holy water scares the devil like mosquito repellent scares mosquitos. Holy water is a symbol of what happened to us at baptism, and therefore it scares the enemy when we remind ourselves that we are children of God.
Why do we fast an hour before receiving the Eucharist?
We fast from food and drink to prepare our souls and bodies to receive Jesus. I have found there is even a practical side of fasting. Eat a decent meal and you’ll find that you become a bit sleepy. Fasting can help one mentally to stay focused. I would recommend even fasting from food and drink longer than an hour, so that the food slump isn’t in the middle of the homily. Keep in mind that water and medicine are always the exception. One’s parish priest can also dispense a person from the fast for good reason, for example, you’re in the hospital or homebound.
Do I have to believe in the resurrection to be saved?
Yes, you do have to believe in the resurrection. The resurrection is our bodies turning back alive and reuniting with our souls. This will happen on the last day. We have already seen this with Jesus and those saints who were raised when Jesus died (see Matthew 27:52).
Why can’t we refer to our deceased loved ones as angels?
Angels and human beings are two different types of creatures. Angels don’t have physical bodies like we do. They have always been pure spirits. It is true though when angels appear to human beings, they often appear looking like human beings. When we die, we don’t turn into a different creature, we remain human. Thus, it would be inaccurate to say that grandpa is now an angel in heaven. Poetry though often calls people angels trying to make the point that the person is now with God like the good angels are or they are really holy.
Will we see our loved ones again in heaven?
Yes, we will, and it will be awesome, assuming that we all choose God. Therefore, strive to be with God already now in prayer and by receiving the sacraments often. Also, pray for your loved ones so that you all can be together in heaven with God.
What do I do if I feel “judged” by others at Mass?
Tell Jesus about it. Tell Him also that you are making a judgment that other people are judging you. This could also mean that you’re quite self-conscious about how you look or about what other people think about you. It’s likely an insecurity about yourself. But don’t feel bad about this. The more you come to love Jesus focusing on Him and the more you choose to love the people around you, the more you will forget about yourself. At some point, you won’t even care if people are “judging” you, because you’re no longer judging them that they’re judging you. Your mind will be on God Who abundantly loves you and them.
What if I just can’t get over a grudge I’m holding?
You can. It may take time, patience and lots of giving that person to Jesus. God never holds a grudge against you when you offend Him, even for big stuff. He keeps loving you and me so that we can change for the better. He asks us then to do the same with others so that we can become the image of His infinite goodness. Do they deserve our love? No. But neither do we deserve God’s love. Yet, God loves us all.
Do priests go to confession? If so, who do priests confess their sins to?
Yes. We do. We, too, are human beings in need of God’s salvation and mercy. No one can save themselves, not even the pope or the saints. We all need mercy. We confess our sins to another priest just like you do and we hear those beautiful words of absolution, “I absolve you from your sins…” just like you do.
Do ghosts really exist?
Yes, they do. Ghost is another word for a spirit without a body. When we die our spirit or ghost leaves our body and hopefully will go to heaven or at least heaven’s waiting room, purgatory. Keep in mind demonic activity in a house is a whole different thing.
Why be Catholic and not just Christian?
It’s awesome to be a Catholic Christian and not just any type of Christian. As Catholics, we believe all the important things that Jesus taught, including being fully united to the apostles and their successors our bishops, loving the Mass and all of the sacraments Jesus gave us, avoiding sin and striving for heaven. To be a Catholic Christian means we are visibly and fully united to the Church that Jesus established.
Why do we have two creeds—Apostles and Nicene?
The Apostles Creed is the oldest collection of what we believe as Christians. As you know it is quite simple. Over time, the Church realized she needed to elaborate on a few of the teachings of the apostles, and thus the Nicene creed was formed.
What should be done with “worn out” sacramentals that have been blessed?
If they can decay easily, e.g. scapulars or palm branches, you can simply bury them in the ground. If they are something that won’t decay easily like metal rosary chains, you could bring them to your parish. Most likely the parish has a collection of worn out sacramentals. Some people also bury worn out sacramentals with a loved one when they are buried in the ground.
Can I pray to God about money problems?
Absolutely, and everyone should. We can and should talk to God about everything in our lives. The more we actively relate to God the more we will know God and know of His love for us.