The Bismarck Diocese will hold its third annual Blue Mass at 6 p.m. at Cathedral of the Holy Spirit on May 13. The Blue Mass is an opportunity to honor the memory of those who have lost their lives in service for truth and justice.
A local television station in Bismarck featured the new Congregation of Teresian Carmelites now serving the people of Standing Rock Indian Reservation in Fort Yates.
Pope Francis has recently reminded us that all ideologies fall short of expressing the whole truth of the human person. No ideology can answer the essential questions about our existence, much less provide comprehensive guidance to questions about public policy.
DCS president Steve Glasser announced April 10 that Trinity students will be back in their building when the 2014-15 school year commences on August 25. In fact, cleaning has progressed so that the graduation ceremony for the class of 2014 will be held in the Trinity auditorium on May 25.
Catholic News Service has published an article featuring the establishment of the Teresian Carmelites in Fort Yates, ND, which is the India-based order's first foundation in the western hemisphere.
The canonizations of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II April 27 will mark a historic moment for the Catholic Church. To explore the meaning of the lives of these modern-day spiritual heroes, the U.S. Bishops Office for Media Relations asked several persons to reflect on their contributions.
Christopher Dodson, Executive Director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference, has issued the following statement on yesterday’s ruling striking down the fetal heartbeat ban.
Click here to see local media coverage of the new Teresian Carmelite sisters from India now serving the Bismarck Diocese Catholic Indian Mission on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation
Several years ago, I read a piece written by Sister Mary Ada entitled “Good Friday.” I would like to share it with all of you as Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum is upon us. I read this often and find great hope and consolation in it.
Jesus, the Son of God, founded the Roman Catholic Church on His 12 Apostles and chose St. Peter to be the visible head of the other Apostles and disciples. This same arrangement of the Church has continued down through the centuries and will continue until the end of time. What does this mean for you, the Catholic laity?
Fr. Louis Cameli, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago and author of “The Devil You Don’t Know: Recognizing and Resisting Evil in Everyday Life,” will be offering a presentation in Bismarck on the reality of evil and the Devil.
From St. Anthony Catholic Church in Linton, a live Mass is now televised through BEK Communications Cooperative (BEK) in Steele, reaching many people in south-central North Dakota.
Questions about oil development, “extraordinary places,” and conservation measures have brought renewed attention to property rights in North Dakota. As with most issues, Catholics will have to assess the merits and consequences of each proposal. Before doing so, however, a person should look at what Catholic social doctrine has to say.
Darius Sparks, a senior at St. Mary's Central High School in Bismarck, was recently featured on TV as he spearheads an effort to raise money for his former school