As the Bismarck Diocese has become a much more diverse body of Catholic faithful, the pastoral needs of the diocese have also become more diverse. The Second Vatican Council understood that the institution of the Diocesan Synod would be an invaluable tool for implementing the legislation and pastoral initiatives that are relevant to the needs of particular churches. As stated in Christus Dominus:
This sacred ecumenical synod earnestly desires that the venerable institution of synods and
councils flourish with fresh vigor. In such a way faith will be deepened and discipline preserved
more fittingly and efficaciously in the various churches, as the needs of the times require.
Below is a link to a presentation containing a brief history on Diocesan Synods and a summary of the Second Synod of the BismarckDiocese.
Diocesan Synod Presentation
Watch the recording of the live stream from the Synod Mass, Nov. 9, 2016
Second Synod of the Diocese of Bismarck
(Updated 10/26/2022)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
General Statutes
(Updated 9/8/2023)
Chapter 2
The People of God
(Updated 9/8/2022)
Chapter 3
The Sanctifying Office of the Church
(Updated 10/26/2023)
Chapter 4
Sacred Places and Times
(Updated 9/8/2022)
Chapter 5
The Most Holy Eucharist
(Updated 9/8/2022)
Chapter 6
The Teaching Office of the Church
(Updated 9/8/2022)
Chapter 7
The Temporal Goods of the Church
(Updated 9/8/2022)