Training required for diocesan Safe Environment program
The Bismarck Diocese, like all dioceses in the United States, is required to cooperate with parents, civil authorities, educators and community organizations to provide education and training for children, youth, parents, clergy, educators and others about ways to make and maintain a safe environment for children. Education and training programs are made available through local parishes and schools in the Bismarck Diocese for adults and youth.
Safe Environment Training is required for: • All diocesan clergy, employees and volunteers • All parish and school educators, employees and volunteers (including minors who are employed/volunteer in parishes)
Those required to comply must read the Bismarck Diocese Code of Conduct. The form that certifies the training has been completed is the Acknowledgement Form. This form is kept on file at the parish, school or diocesan office where the person is employed or volunteers.
Click here to access the North Dakota Mandated Reporters Interactive Training website, a highly recommended training tool for all individuals in our diocese, regardless of profession. This is a wonderful resource for religious education teacher training and could be completed in teachers meetings at the beginning of the school year.
Children and youth safe environment training
Each parish and school is required to offer a yearly, age appropriate training session for children in parish religious education programs and Catholic schools. The Bismarck Diocese offers the following approved curriculums as part of our ongoing commitment to create and maintain a safe environment for our children, to protect them from sexual abuse, and to instruct them in the integrity of their persons and bodies, all in accordance with Catholic teachings. Parishes and Schools may use these lessons alone or in any combination, according to their needs.Please read Bishop Kagan’s letter to catechists.
Bishop Kagan has established a requirement that curriculum materials be mailed to the household of students who are absent from class on the day of training, are not trained at home, or whose parents have opted out of student training.
The primary Safe Environment Training method for all students in parishes and Catholic schools is in-classroom training at the start of the school year. Home-based training shall only be used as a last resort if circumstances warrant it – specifically for students who were absent on the day that in-classroom training was provided.
This Parental Certification of Home-Based Safe Environment Training is provided for parents/guardians to complete after Safe Environment training for their child(ren) has been done at home using an approved curriculum. This form should only be used for students who were absent on the day of in-class training and is to be returned to the Parish/School to enable accurate tracking of home-trained students for the audit. Parishes and Schools may send and receive this form via email, and the required signature and information may be obtained electronically at the discretion of each Parish or Catholic School.
Approved Curriculums (More may be added once approved)
This Student Attendance Sheet for Safe Environment Training(also available as a Word document to be downloaded at the top of the "Documents" list on the left side of this page) is available for parishes/schools to print and copy as needed. Please accurately track attendance in order to compile correct numbers for the annual Safe Environment audit.
1. Personal Safety Awareness: K-8 The materials in this manual have been adapted with permission from ACT for Kids K-6 Personal Safety & Life Skill Curriculum and Creating Safe & Sacred Places for Young Adolescents. Preschoolers may be taught using the Kindergarten lesson.
2. Circle of Care Curriculum Materials below were originally developed by the Diocese of Manchester, and are used with permission.
4. Safe Environment DVDs produced by the Diocese of St. Cloud These were also given to each parish and school in the past. While no longer available from the Bismarck Diocese, parishes and schools may continue to utilize these DVDs and the corresponding discussion prompts.
Strong Voices, Smart Choices: How to Honor Your Instinct and Stay Safe
Personal Power: A Gut Check on Safety
5. Dakota Children’s Advocacy Center – Contact DCAC to arrange in-classroom training at your location.
Optional handouts may be usedin addition tothe above Approved Curriculums – these are not standalone lessons:
Parishes and Schools may use this letter to inform parents of the Diocesan Safe Environment program.
If parents choose to not have their child participate in the safe environment training, the Opt-out Formcertifies that they have been offered the training and declined it.